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war room

Thursday, July 17, 2014

#christianmovies persecuted the movie: debuting in the theaters tomorrow gives Fox news, Gretchen Carlson her movie debut way she pretty much place herself kind

Christian movies
persecuted the movie: debuting in the theaters tomorrow gives Fox news, Gretchen Carlson her movie debut way she pretty much place herself kind
what she does play a reporter, but she's highly critical of Christians in her role playing
this is a bit different. The actor Fred Thompson plays his single role that he's been playing for years
this is a movie worth going to. Although I was a skeptic it for. I mean Christians being persecuted. Instead of doing the persecution really, but from their point of view, the country is under siege Christianity is been tempted for political change. Ms. movie has a hero that doesn't waiver if you just love movies. This is a pretty good from what I can tell, the acting is great him opinionated was still a great movie

The Persecuted
1h 33m - Mystery/Thriller
  • Nationally acclaimed evangelist John Luther is the last obstacle in the way of sweeping religious reform in the States. When a U.S. Senator orders Luther abducted and framed for the murder of an innocent teenage girl, an unprecedented era of persecution is unleashed with Luther running for his life Moreto uncover the deadly plot. As evangelist turned fugitive, Luther vows to expose anyone involved with or profiting from the girl's murder; a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that will threaten the entire Christian community in America.
  • Release date: July 18, 2014 (USA)

  • Tuesday, January 7, 2014

    JUCE: Live tv Feed

    JUCE: Live tv Feed

    N.Y. Group Applies To put Satan Statue At Oklahoma State Capitol

    N.Y. Group Applies To put  Satan Statue At Oklahoma State Capitol 
    The Satanic Temple unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012. The group formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist’s rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that’s often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him

    Movie news