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Monday, December 2, 2013

Paul Crouch Tribute and history

This is a tribute to Paul Franklin Crouch in the history of Trinity broadcasting network
Paul Franklin Crouch was born March 30, 1934

Most of his family were missionaries in Egypt Paul was in Egypt when he was two years old until the outbreak of war, war to his formative years was in Springfield, Missouri . His first attraction to mass media was from a Bible Institute that he went on the air with the words hello world when NBC station and graduation, Paul married Jan Beth and became working the radio and TV, first in Missouri, and then in South Dakota and find a in 1973, got call from God to start Trinity broadcasting network on a small Southern California station a fully own Christian television stations to several miracles the viewing audience was growing as additional stations were added Paul Crouch was at the for most of the site satellite technology TBN became a true coast-to-coast network. The technology was groundbreaking, but his whole purpose was to spread the gospel opportunities came outside the United States and TBN expanded to the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, Central and South America. And finally, Asia his missionary heart was always evident since his two-year-old experience in Egypt TBN grew to be the third largest group owner of television stations and they broadcast virtually everywhere in the world in every nation around the world. Then they started the Internet with I TBN is coded as I believe God had all this figured out to now he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ hearing the words into my good and faithful servant. .

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