war room

war room

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pat Robertson declares and calls out for an American revolution on Obama care

tson the 700 club on today's show had the number one Obama care critic on the show is is not surprising preaching fear and damnation and this is a guy that God told him to run for president, and obviously didn't listen to them in the same thing happen with that Romney so you guys to wonder about God's voice inside of you will you young to have a a big debate on that subject alone

and as but what I thought was fascinating was the fact that at the end of that segment. He was pounding and pounding and pounding his fist on his desk fan revolution revolution at lynching, not yet. There is a Scripture that I love out of the Bible and it says out of the abundance of a man's heart is mouth speaks so by listening to what really really was the what a person talks about special under emotional situations really gives you an insight inside his heart. I wonder I've always wondered since he lost his election was America would be like under Pres. Robertson



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